The library’s prime purpose is to provide information services and materials to the KCAA/EASA community. The library rules and regulations have been formulated to promote fair use of library resources and facilities. These rules and regulations apply to all library clients.


Any person using library services is assumed to have undertaken to observe and is bound by the library rules and regulations as set out below.


The library hours of operation shall vary depending on demand for services, security and staffing levels. The librarian shall work out suitable arrangements as the situation demands.


  • Monday to Friday 7.00 am – 8.00 pm
  • Saturdays 8.00 am – 6.00 pm
  • Sundays & Public Holidays Closed


The following are eligible to become members of the library.

  • 2.2.1 Students of the East African School of Aviation
  • 2.2.2 Lecturers of the East African School of Aviation
  • 2.2.3 Staff of the Kenya Civil Aviation Authority
  • 2.2.4 Temporary staff such as interns and casuals are not eligible to borrow books. But they are free to use the library during their period of engagement.
  • 2.2.5 External users can use library facilities after paying the prescribed fee but are not eligible to borrow books.


  • 3.1 Silence in the library must be observed at all times. Cell phones, radios and any devices that are likely to cause disturbances must be switched off or put on silent mode while in the library.
  • 3.2 Eating, drinking or any other misconduct which is a nuisance / distraction to other clients in the library is prohibited.
  • 3.3 Handbags, briefcases, folders, among others will be left at the luggage area located at the entrance to the library at their own risk and clients are advised NOT to leave their valuables.
  • 3.4 Clients are advised not to shelve back reading materials after use.
  • 3.5 Liquids such as ink, water, among others which may accidentally damage library property through spillage, will not be allowed into the library.
  • 3.6 Library clients are hereby informed that copyright law applies to library materials and infringement of this through unauthorized photocopying or plagiarism is a criminal offence. They are advised to observe permissible photocopying limits for purposes of study and research only
  • 3.7 The library shall not be held liable for loss or damage of personal items such as laptops left by clients in the library.
  • 3.8 Entry to EASA library will be allowed on production of Student / Staff ID card or Pass for the paid-up external subscribers
  • 3.9 Library seats or carrels shall not be reserved or booked.
  • 3.10 The library rules and regulations may be modified without notice. However, such modifications shall be posted to the library’s and school notice boards and website for general information.
  • 3.11 The management reserves the right to withdraw admission to the library by any client who disregards the library rules and regulations.
  • 3.12 In any situation not covered by these rules, the management shall use best judgement based on the circumstances to resolve the matter and the decision shall be final.


  • 4.1 All clients will handle library materials and items with care.
  • 4.2 Clients will be held responsible for the safety and prompt return in good condition of all items borrowed under their names.
  • 4.3 Incase of loss of a library item, the client shall be held responsible for replacement costs which will be based on the current
  • 4.4 A surcharge of 50% of the item’s cover price will be added to cater for administrative charges, freight, insurance and fluctuation in exchange rates of Kenya Shilling.


  • 5.1 Any client who causes damage to library material or other property will be charged for replacement of the same as per clause 4.3 and 4.4 above.
  • 5.2 Mutilation or defacing of any library item(s) will be regarded as damage and will lead to suspension from the use of library for a minimum period of four (4) months.
  • 5.3 In such circumstances, the school shall retain the damaged item(s) and the client shall pay for replacement of the same.


  • 6.1 Only KCAA/EASA Staff/Lecturers and Students members are allowed to borrow library information materials
  • 6.2 No library information material may be brought out of the library unless it has been properly issued. Unauthorized removal of library information materials is regarded as a very serious offence.
  • 6.3 Library information materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date.
  • 6.4 The normal loan period for books is two weeks. The library, however, may fix varying loan periods for different types of materials or users as it deems fit.
  • 6.5 All borrowers must settle any overdue loans before they are permitted to borrow again.


  • 7.1 This library information materials are categorized as either one week borrowing or hourly borrowing with the later meant to be read within the library.
  • 7.2 Borrowers will be held personally responsible for the safe custody of any material on loan to them. All materials borrowed must be returned in good condition on or before the due date/time.
  • 7.3 Reference materials are not for loan and will be used in the library only.
  • 7.4 The loan period shall not be extended if the book(s) have been reserved by another client. An item on loan may be recalled under such circumstances.
  • 7.5 All clients leaving the library are obliged to go through security checks.


  • 8.1 Do not use the library computers to perform any of the following: playing games; playing music; and visiting unauthorized sites.
  • 8.2 Do not install or uninstall any program from the library computers. This is only a preserve of the ICT personnel.
  • 8.3 If any device of the library computer is not working, do not fix it. Kindly report to the library staff.
  • 8.4 You are allowed to use the library computers for the time allocated by the librarian.


  • 9.1 Overdue fines shall be charged for the late return of books borrowed at a rate to be determined from time to time. The fine shall be five shillings (5/=) per book per day for books in the open shelves and ten shillings (10/=) per hour per book for books in the short loan / reserve section. This rule shall apply to ALL borrowers, including KCAA / EASA staff and lecturers.
  • 9.2 If a book on loan is lost and NOT reported to the library, it shall continue to attract overdue charges. This means that when it is finally reported as lost, the client is liable to pay all the accumulated overdue charges up to the date the loss was reported to the library.
  • 9.3 Overdue fines are paid upon return of the borrowed books using the MPESA PAYBILL Instructions provided